Immediately place your tree in water when you get home and keep the tree out of the sun and sheltered from the wind. When you’re ready to set up your tree, refresh the cut tree and place it in a
How do I keep my cut tree looking green and healthy?

Immediately place your tree in water when you get home and keep the tree out of the sun and sheltered from the wind. When you’re ready to set up your tree, refresh the cut tree and place it in a
We supply the handsaws (to cut your tree) and wagons (to easily cart your tree from the field or barn) to your vehicle. We recommend you wear outdoor shoes or boots, a warm jacket and a hat (weather dependent). If
It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and new ones this weekend at the farm. Finding the perfect tree is a family event and one that just naturally brings a smile to everyone’s face. We couldn’t have asked
Come pick out your live Christmas tree from the farm today starting at 9 am. We’re open for the 2012 season every day from 9 am – 6 pm from Nov 24 – Dec 23 and open till noon on Dec 24.
Christmas is one of those events which many of us remember well into adulthood. You may forget what you found in your stocking or under the tree, but you tend to remember the tree. Starting November 24, you can cut your own
Trees, trees and more trees – we’ve got them! Three choices : 1.Ucut from our extensive range -any size, any type $49 2.Precut and ready to choose in our warm barn – lots of sizes and variety! 3.Live – all
Our first weekend was great – so nice to see so many returning families and many new ones too! Some brave people even ventured out during the storms on Sunday! Our Facebook page is getting lots of likes and that’s
What a week – we started with heavy frost and then our first snow fall. Just as that melted we had a massive windstorm! Now we’re back to “normal” weather and we’re almost ready to open this weekend – we’ve
Hello Everyone We’re working full on getting ready to open next weekend (Nov 26) The saw’s are sharpened, the cart’s are all oiled and we have a great stock of sturdy stands. The Hot Chocolate and Candy Canes will be
Bulla fringilla purus at leo dignissim congue. Mauris elementum accumsan leo vel tempor. Aenean sagittis diam vel enim tempus sit amet cursus nisl aliquam. Aliquam et elit eu nunc rhoncus viverra quis at felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi fringilla feugiat tortor suscipit accumsan. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,…